Parochial C of E Primary School | Keppel Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire OL6 6NN

Tel: 0161 3436070
Twitter: ParochialCofE

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Parochial CofE Primary And Nursery School, Ashton-under-lyne

Growing Together in God

Mrs Sells and Mrs Boyle


This half term we will be learning all about: The Maya Civilisation


Explore the Ancient Mayan Civilization | AI Art Generator | Easy-Peasy.AI

Mathematics | Trawden Forest Primary School



In maths, we will explore related multiplication and division facts, use informal and formal written methods for multiplication, multiply 2 digits and 3 digits by a 1 digit number, divide with remainders, divide 2 digit and 3 digit numbers and solve correspondence problems.


This year, Year 4s will take part in the compulsory Times Tables Check. Children will answer 25 questions, with only 6 seconds to answer each question.

How can you help at home?

Please ensure that you regularly practise and test your child on their times tables.  At the end of Year 4, children should know the all times tables up to 12x12.  It is always useful to practise the times tables as this really helps children with a range of mathematics work in school.  If you have access to the internet, please visit the following sites to support your child's learning at home.

Links to support home learning:



In English, we will  write cinquain poems about life as a Roman solider. In addition to this, we will write a story from the point of view of one of the characters from the model text, ‘ Escape from Pompeii’ by Christina Balit.


 How you can help your child? Encourage your child to read their reading book and ask them questions about the text which they are reading.

It is important to read a variety of texts with your child.  This can be anything from their reading books to newspapers and leaflets.  This will help to extend your child’s vocabulary and their understanding of different text types, which will in turn help to improve their writing.

Links to support home learning:

R.E - Northcote Primary School


How do festivals and family life show what
matters to Jewish people?

Within this unit, pupils will build on their knowledge about
Jewish worldviews and way of life. They will recap work
on Shabbat and deepen it by considering how different
Jews today mark it. They will understand that Jews are
diverse – beginning to use the language of Orthodox and
Progressive. They will explore Shabbat, Rosh Hashanah,
Yom Kippur, and Pesach to build up their understanding
of festivals and ideas of forgiveness, remembering, and



As scientists, we will be studying Electricity .

We will;

Identify common appliances that run on electricity, construct a simple series electrical circuit, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers, identify whether or not a lamp will light in a simple series circuit, based on whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery, recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit and associate this with whether or not a lamp lights in a simple series circuit and recognise some common conductors and insulators, and associate metals with being good conductors


Electric circuit | Diagrams & Examples | Britannica



The Maya Civilization: Timeline, Farming, Religion, & Culture




As historians we will be exploring how the Maya people lived and how their empire grew. We will explore the everyday life of the Maya people as well as delve into their religious beliefs. As well as this, we will be using sources of evidence from the Maya civilization and thinking about what they tell us. Finally, we will explore the different foods that the Maya people ate and why certain foods were particularly significant.

How you can help your child? Use the internet or books to research how the Maya civilization lived and how their empire grew? Can you research traditional Maya food? Are there any similarities between what we eat today and what was a staple part of the Maya diet.  















Available Tasks

Monday - Grammar / spellings or Comprehension  (due in Wednesday).

Wednesday - Maths (due in Friday).


Please read regularly with your child and encourage your child to complete their book reviews so that their book can be changed regularly. 

 How Much Homework Is Too Much for Students?