Welcome to Spring 1!
I hope you have all had a fantastic Christmas full of family fun and of course a visit from Father Christmas too!.
I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to you all for engaging in a fantastic first term. The children have made fabulous progress and with so much learning still to take place progress will definitely continue.
This half term we will take a magical journey into the Jungle. We will be learning about where and how animals live in their natural habitat. We will learn about the rainforest; any similarities and differences it has from our own environment and the senses we use to describe it.
We will gain an understanding of the terms: temperature; camouflage; senses; species.
This wonderful theme will also have fantastic links to number and support our progress in completing our number bonds, learning about addition and subtraction, measurement and different mathematical systems, such as 'part part whole'.
Please continue to access our online Learning Journey, Dojo, for daily updates on your child's achievements and progress. Also please upload any achievements or exciting moments your child would like to share with their friends.
If you do not have access to Dojo as yet, please contact the office so that we can set up your login. Dojo is where you will find your child's homework. It is important that you encourage your child to complete any homework set, this will support their learning progress.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact school or myself on Dojo and we will do our upmost to resolve any questions or concerns.
I look forward to seeing you all for what will be an exciting half term.
Ms Frankland
Dojo is used daily to record observations of your child's progress and development. We link it to the Early Years outcomes and once it has been posted you can see your own child's learning journey.
Just like you, Dojo enables me to observe your child's learning and progress. Please upload any learning or special moments your child carries out at home. I can use any observations uploaded by yourselves to link learning objectives and characteristics of effective learning that your child meets. Observations are how we assess your children daily in class to ensure they are making progress.
Read Write Inc
The children have made astounding progress in their first half term. We will continue our daily Phonics lessons. We have completed our current letter sounds, learning their sound and the mnemonic which supports the letter formation. This half term we will continue to develop our letter formation on lined paper and will continue to develop segmenting words and blending them back together. We will also learn to use our phonetic knowledge, using 'Fred Fingers' to write words.
To support your child with their phonics it would be fantastic if you continue to access any video updates that are put on Dojo. These videos are short and fast but really assist the children with their re4ading and writing skills.
I will continue to upload RWI videos for homework.
This half term we will be reading the story 'Walking in the Jungle' . We will learn some actions, make story maps and then use innovation to write our own story.
This method is excellent for the children to find their own imagination and individuality. They understand that a story belongs to an Author and that they need to make it their own.
Please encourage your child to log on to their Sumdog account. There are lots of fab number games that will help them with their progress, knowledge and understanding of numbers.
Our Maths scheme is 'Power Maths' and over the next half term we continue to look at numbers to 20 in depth and also learn about measurement.