Parochial C of E Primary School | Keppel Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire OL6 6NN

Tel: 0161 3436070
Twitter: ParochialCofE

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Forward As One Church of England Multi Academy Trust
(A Company Limited by Guarantee),
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Newnham Street, Bolton, BL1 8QA
Company Number: – 08212263

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Parochial CofE Primary And Nursery School, Ashton-under-lyne

Growing Together in God

Our theme for this half term is 'Save the Planet '

Our theme this half term is Save the Planet. In this Geography unit, we will be looking at the continents, exploring the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere and looking at the affects of global warming on our planet.

Key questions we will be answering by the end of the unit include: What changes can we see on the earth’s climate?

What are greenhouse gases?

What affect do they have on the earth?

What types of pollution are there?

Which animals are endangered?

Can children make a difference?


Knowledge Organisers 

Learning Log:

Thank you for your support in completing the Learning Logs. They will be sent home at the end of each half term to be returned to school after the holiday. 

What will we be learning?


In maths this half term we will be beginning to explore fractions within this unit, children will be introduced to fraction-specific key language, such as numerator and denominator. At first, children will deal with unit fractions where the numerator is always one, focusing on halves, quarters and thirds. Children will then move on to non-unit fractions and learn about the equivalence between them, particularly between 1 2 and 2 4 . Children will practise counting to 1 whole in quarters and halves.

How you can help:
Please ensure that your child completes their maths homework.  Also please encourage your child to play on Sumdog and TTRockstars and to practice for their maths badges.





In English this half term we will begin with out poetry unit, where we explore the poem Night Sounds by Berlie Doherty.

Then we will begin our following unit which focus on theThe Last Wolf and will produce a writing outcome of a letter in role persuading characters to save the trees.

By the end of the unit child will have focused on the following Mastery Keys: Use Subordination (if, that), using suffix-er and –est and use apostrophes for contraction

How you can help:
Please ensure that your child is completing their English  homework. Please encourage your child to read as much as possible and ask your child about their book.




In Science, we will be learning about Living Things and their habitats. Children will be grouping things according to whether they are living or non living and whether they are alive, dead or never been alive. Children will be able to describe food chains from local animals and from those identified in Pakistan. Children will be exploring the habitats of animals found in Stamford Park and comparing them to habitats of animals found in Pakistan.


 What you can do to help...


It is important to read a variety of texts with your child.  This can be anything from their reading books to newspapers and leaflets.  This will help to extend your child’s vocabulary and their understanding of different text types, which will in turn help to improve their writing. 

It would also help if you could talk to your child about what they have been learning, as this will help their speech and language development and consolidate classroom learning.


Please continue to work on the list of Common Exception Words that the children need to know how to read and spell by the end of Year 2. Some different ideas for practising these could include; cover and say, rainbow spellings (using different colours to write the words), how many times can you write the word in 1 minute, hangman etc. 


Please see the Early Reading and Phonics section of the school website for further support.

Click here


Please ensure that you regularly practise and test your child on their times tables.  By the end of Year 2, children should know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables and related division facts.  It is always useful to practise the times tables as this really helps children with a range of mathematics work in school. 

If you have access to the Internet, a Google search for ‘maths games’ is always a fun idea!  Please also try to work with your child on telling the time to the nearest 15 minutes (o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter too- tricky!).

Your child has received a sticker in their reading record with details of their Sumdog log in on it.  This means that they can log in at home to complete lots of fun maths challenges and compete with other children!

Click here to access TT Rockstars!


  • Maths homework – set on Monday, due in on Thursday


  • SPAG homework – set on Thursday, due in on Monday


  • Homework will be set and submitted via dojo


  • Workbooks will be provided for children to write in, but will not return to school. Pictures of homework will be submitted on dojo 'activities'.


  • Learning logs - set every half term, due in on the first week back after a holiday



Year 2 curriculum 

On the left are the end of year objectives for Year 2 from the National Curriculum in reading, writing and Maths. This forms the basis of our planning to ensure the children access a broad and balanced curriculum.